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Real Pot Grown Christmas Trees Now In Stock

Locally Pot Grown Real Christmas Trees Now In Stock….NOT POTTED BUT POT GROWN !
Meet Ken from Victoria Bridge in Country Tyrone our local Pot Grown Christmas tree supplier and the man who knows all there is to know about POT GROWN trees.
A pot grown Christmas tree is a great way to have a real tree into your home with none of the hassle, keep it well watered and away from a heat source and you’re all set.
Our Fraser Fir Potted Christmas Trees have good needle holding properties with a lovely pine fragrance and the regular shape of a Norway Spruce.
The best part is, it can be planted in the garden or potted on for next year. Our quality trees in 3 sizes start from £34.99…check them out this weekend and a big thanks to Ken for all his hard work… he looks vaguely familiar but I’m seeing him in a red suit feeding reindeers and not yellow to be honest!